Ben Mikuska, eFluent.

Ben Mikuska. eFluent, 2018.
View full-size animation HERE.

This weeks .gif blog-shot features an amazing work by the brilliant and wildly multi-talented Ben Mikuska (artist, bassist, building designer, art preparator extraordinaire etc.). eFluent suggests both the auditory and visual potential of language and features a confluence of sound and textual delights in a deep, dark glyph-scape populated by the letter e.  A solitary e appears that quickly multiplies into a vast swarming field of eeees bubbling upwards in constant eruption, surging backwards and forwards to and from the viewer. A short-story or poem starring the letter eeFluent succeeds at being simultaneously playful and nightmarish.

The soundtrack features music by St. Catharines-based improv noise/sound band TZT featuring: Gary BarwinGregory Betts, Devon FornelliBen Mikuskaand myself. 


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